Thursday, August 3, 2017

Gentrification Affecting San Francisco’s Bayview Neighborhood

Yat-Pang Au is a University of California, Berkeley graduate in electrical engineering and computer science. The CEO and founder of Veritas Investments, Yat-Pang Au specializes in residential investments in the San Francisco area.

The recent employment resurgence in Silicon Valley has begun to effect changes in the ever-evolving San Francisco real estate market. The enticement of reducing their daily commute by 30 minutes each way has pulled higher-income residents from their homes in the northern section of the city to the Bayview neighborhood in the southern portion.

Median home prices in the region have risen from $360,000 to $750,000 since the gentrification process began, yet these higher prices are still reasonable by San Francisco standards. Many believe it will be a challenge for San Francisco city officials to prevent the sort of confrontation that occurred during the Mission District’s transformation between the neighborhood's new and established residents.

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